NEWS ARCHIVE 2008 (Back to current news)
Miniature-piece for BIT20 Ensemble anniversary
Piece for Rolf Borch, solo clarinet
Full scale opera "Khairos" to be developed for Den Norske Opera
Libretto: Torgeir Rebolledo Pedersen
Fortuna (for flute and piano), and Electra (DVD) performed in Rome
Concert serie RADICI
Scuola Popolare di musica di Testaccio
Concert hall Macro Future
AVGARDE, Saturday December 13. at 18.00, Sardinen, USF Verftet
Fortuna (for flute and piano)
Performed by Gro Sandvik and Einar Røttingen
"multiMORF II" for electric violin and computer, performed by FAT BATTERY
Alte Feuerwache, Mannehaim, Germany
AVGARDE, Saturday november 15. at 18.00, Sardinen, USF Verftet
18.00: Children and BIT20 Ensemble
19.00: Ensemble Ernst
20.00: Knut Vaage: Haugesongar i utval, Glenn Erik Haugland and Erling Wollestad: Bergen-Ulvik t/r Annabel Guaita, piano, Heidi Tronsmo and Ranveig Helen Lægreid, vocal
New chamber piece "Noko", extracted from the opera "Someone is Going to Come".
Commissioned by BIT 20 Ensemble. Duration 20' Score and parts at MIC
"Troll" with material from E. Grieg "Troldtog" is performed in Porto (Portugal) by Orquesta Nacional do Porto in (Concert hall) Casa da Musica, Oct. 17 2008. Conductor Eivind Gullberg Jensen. Other works performed: Grieg, A-minor concert and Nielsen, symphony nr. 4
Ultima, October 17, Ridehuset kl. 17.00
FMKV performs "Breaking Another Wall"
Conductor Trond Korsgård
"multiMORF II" for electric violin and computer, performed by FAT BATTERY, October 16th 2008
City Theatre
Basel, Switzerland
BrassWind, September 26., Logen at 19.30
FMKV performs "Breaking Another Wall"
Conductor Trond Korsgård
multiMORF II
Premiere September 23, Oslo Konserthus
Victoria Johnson (el.violin/computer) Thorolf Thuestad (computer/programming), HC Gilje (video)
"Blåveisfra" with Torgeir Rebolledo Pedersen (poems/reading), Rolf-Erik Nystrøm (saxophone) and Knut Vaage (piano)
AVGARDE, September 20
New piece (or rather series of pieces): "MOMENT"
The series of "Moment" includes five versions of the same material. Scores and parts for all the versions are available at MIC
The given choices make it possible for the performers to adjust form and duration of this music for each concert situation
1 moment - contains moment 2, then moment 1 - freely, then rhythmically towards the end - duration 10 min
2 moment - contains moment 1, 2, 4 and 5 - rhythmically w. variation throughout the piece - duration 13,5 min
3 moment - contains moment 1, 2 and 3 - rhythmical start, then fading away - duration 15 min
4 moment - contains moment 1, 3, 4 and 5 - rhythm. start, slow middle section, building up to a presto at the end - duration 13 min
5 moment - contains all five moments - duration 18 min
The idea is to be in dialogue with the classical tradition of making music in movements, twisting it around, playing with the form
By putting the movements together in different ways, the music tells different stories
(The titles are in Norwegian, and can be translated into English as “1 moment”, “2 moments “ and so on)
Premiere: World premiere of "4 moment" by BIT20 Ensemble at Stresa International Festival 31st of August 2008, conducted by Trond Korsgård
West Australian Symphony Orchestra, (WASO), performs "Tjat", Friday August 29, 2008, 8 pm and Saturday August 30, 2008, 8 pm at Perth Concert Hall. Conductor Eivind Gullberg Jensen
Summer School
14.07.08 - 17.07.08
FAT BATTERY Summer School
Kulturhuset USF Verftet
Bergen, Norway
Concert: Studio USF 17.07.08, 20:00
Einar Røttingen performs "Point of View", Skagen Kammermusikk festival, Skagen, DK
"Regn" to lyrics by Ove Røsbak for female student choir "Sirenene". Score at MIC.
Premiered June 1. in Bergen, released on CD
BFO performs"Brannbataljonen" at Torgalmenningen (outdoor) Friday June 13 at 19.00
Nynorske Festspela:
Saturday June 28
Knut Vaage (piano) and Linda Øvrebø (vocal)
15.0016.00 Salen, Ivar Aasen-tunet
Kr 150
Festspeldiktaren spelar opp
Lars Amund Vaage with guests Paal-Helge Haugen, Aasmund Kaldestad, Ove Røsbak, Knut Vaage and Linda Øvrebø
22.3000.30 MålBar, Møre folkehøgskule, Ørsta
Kr 150
Full program (Norwegian)
"Song og draum" to Hornindal.
Excerpt from the program:
Anders Svor Museum, Hornindal at 17.00
Garden party 2008
opening exhibition Annette Koefoed sculpture
presentation of Anders Svor Workshop
Britt Pernille Frøholm, fiddle
Linda Øvrebø, vocal, Knut Vaage, piano
barbecue from Raftevolds hotel
Full program (pdf, Norwegian)
New songs:
Linda Øvrebø and Musikk i Hedmark have commissioned 5 songs for poems by Olav H. Hauge for soprano and piano. Score at MIC
2 new songs for three tenors and piano. Lyrics by Torgeir Rebolledo Pedersen. Score at MIC
"Regn" to lyrics by Ove Røsbak for female student choir "Sirenene". Score at MIC
Review of "Chromos" CD
FAT BATTERY plays at Landmark, AVGARDE April 24 2008
New piece for orchestra, rock band and football supporters. To be performed April 17 and 18 by Bergen Philharmonic Orchestra
"Jug Band Rag" is performed at AVGARDE April 5 2008 by BIT20 Jugband: Håkon Nilsen, clarinett, John- Arild Suther, trombone, Peter Kates, percussion, Jarle Rotevatn, piano, Janne Johansson, doublebass
New pieces:
"Kyklop" for Trondheim Symphony Orchestra (duration 15 min)
"(..kammerkommentar...)" "Chamber Comments" for Norwegian Chamber Orchestra, (duration 4 1/2 min)
"Vi reiser" ("We Journey") for Leon Milo (perc/technology) and Susanne Kessel (piano/voice), lyrics Helga G. Eriksen (premiered 13, 14 and 15 September 2007 at "the Postal Tower", Beethovenfest in Bonn) (duration 12 min)
Family opera "Veslefrikk" commissioned by Opera Vest
Libretto: Torgeir Rebolledo Pedersen (duration 70 min)
Scores and parts for all the pieces at MIC
Premiere of "Kyklop" Feb. 7; review (Norwegian) in Morgenbladet
Article (pdf, Norwegian) in newspaper Kvinnheringen: "Song og draum" at Kvinnherad Kulturfestival
"TJAT" ("Chatter") performed by Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra
Feb. 28 and 29, and March 1. Conductor Eivind Gullberg Jensen
Victoria Johnson performs "Elektra", February 25 at 18.00, Vinterlydfestivalen in Oslo, Norwegian Academy of Music.
Visual consept: Ellen Roed
Computerprogramming: Thorolf Thuestad
Premiere of "ArcoLogi II, III and IV" in Grieghallen, February 10 at 16:00 by 9 orchestras (350 musicians) from The Norwegian School Orchestra Association in Hordaland
"Song og draum" at Kvinnherad Kulturfestival
February 10 at 15.00 Undarheim gard
Linda Øvrebø, soprano
Knut Vaage, piano/composer
Premiere of "Kyklop" for Trondheim Symphony Orchestra, February 7 at 19.30. Conducted by Eivind Aadland. Radio broadcasting on NRK P2: Friday 21 March 2008
FAT BATTERY concert February 1, Bamberg, Germany
"(...kammerkommentar...)" "Chamber Comments" for Norwegian Chamber Orchestra, premiered January 5 at The Grand Party: The Norwegian Chamber Orchestra turns 30!
NEWS ARCHIVE 2011 (Back to current news)
New piece for BUKO, for their 10th anniversary concert in Domkirken, Bergen, November 27 at 16.00
NSK (Nidaros Strykekvartett/Nidaros String Quartet) presents a new chamber music program:
Concert, November 20
Sallinen - String Quartet nr 3 op 19 ”Some aspects of Peltoniemi Hintriks Funeral March”
New piece by Knut Vaage
Mendelssohn - "Octet op 20 Eb-Major"
AVGARDE Saturday, November 19
Sardinen, USF-Verftet
Knut Vaage: "multiMORF 3"
John Arild Suther, trombone/electronics
Concert with Stord youth choir and Trio Vest, October 27. at 18.00, concerthall at Stord vidaregåande skule (Stord High School)
Music by Bach, Beethoven and Debussy and others
Knut Vaage:
"Regnværsommer" for cello
"Point of View" for piano
"Plokk" for piano
"Gjæsene" for flute, cello and piano
"Nøkkerose" for female choir, flute, cello and piano (premiere, new version)
Odda Literature Symposium, October 15 at 16:00
"Utanfor institusjonen"
Poems/recitation: Lars Amund Vaage
Music/electronics: Knut Vaage
Sunday, October 2 at 21.10, new piece "Mylder" on NRK-Hovedscenen
Watch the concert (from NRK)
Saturday Oct 1. Integra-festival
Arena: Copenhagen, The Royal Danish Academy of Music, The Studio Hall
BIT20 Ensemble
Conductor: Baldur Brönnimann
Elektronics/video "multiMORF 3": Thorolf Thuestad/HC Gilje
Trombone: John-Arild Suther
Kaja Saariaho: "Lichtbogen" (17’)
Knut Vaage: "multiMORF 3 for trombone og foss" (20’)
Iris ter Schiphorst: "Mein Vater" (Theme: Aung Sang Suu Kiy) World premiere (20’)
More info (word)
Pictures from "multiMorf 3" performance

(From "multiMorf 3" performance in Copenhagen. Photo: HC Gilje)
Premiere of new piece "Mylder" for KORK (Krinkastingsorkesteret), Sept 10. at 15.00, Aulaen in Oslo
More info
Review of "Mylder" on Thomas Erma Møller's blogg (Norwegian)
BAS celebrates 24 years, concert, September 1., at 15.00, Sandviksboder 59-61A
"multiMORF 2" (for el. violin, computer and video)
"multiMORF 3" (for trombone, waterfall, computer and video)
"improMORF" (for el. violin, synth, computer and video)
John-Arild Suther: trombone
Victoria Johnson: El. violin
Knut Vaage: synth/electronics
Thorolf Thuestad: sound design/computer
HC Gilje: video
More info (word)
14.8 at 18.00 BIT20 Ensemble "Odyssey"/"Odyssé"
Arena: Troldhaugen, Edvard Grieg Museum (summer chamber music series)
Witold Lutoslawski: "Dance preludes"
Aleksandra Gryka: "Ambeoidal"
Lasse Thoresen: "Kvaternitet"
Knut Vaage: "Odyssé" (based on Griegs op.54) including some original Grieg movements
Conductor: Baldur Brönnimann
More info (word)
Baroniet Rosendal
Concert at Borggården, August 12
Lydlandskap (Soundscape)
BIT20 Ensemble
Composer: Knut Vaage
Introductions: Gunnar Danbolt
Conductor: Baldur Brönnimann
Trombone: John-Arild Suther
Electronics/sound design: Thorolf Thuestad
Video: HC Gilje
"multiMORF 3 for trombone og foss" (world premiere)
BIT20 writes about the concert:
BIT20 celebrate Knut Vaages fiftieth birthday at the stunningly beautiful manor of Rosendal with the world premiere of "multiMORF 3". This multimedia-piece de-stabilizes the boundaries between nature and culture, by fusing sounds of waterfalls and the trombone.
More info (Word-Norwegian)
Media/Articles (pdf)
Review from local newspaper Grenda (Norwegian, pdf)

(From left: Knut, HC, Thorolf and John-Arild, some of the crew behind the concert in Rosendal)
Documentation version of "Electra", for el.violin, computergenerated tape and video.
Performed at SMC 2011 in Padova, July 9
Victoria Johnson, el.violin and Ellen Røed, video
More info
New pieces:
"Nøkkerose" for female choir, flute, cello and piano
"En klump med leire", for mixed choir, lyrics: Hanne Bramness
"(...kammerkommentar II...)", for chamber orchestra
Opera in two acts "Khairos" delivered as commissioned by Den Norske Opera & Ballett. Libretto: Torgeir Rebolledo Pedersen. Premiere at Scene 2 in the season 2012/13
Norwegian Landings, Festspillene i Bergen
The Norwegian Armed Forces Band, Western Norway (FMKV) performs "Fremad marsj!", May 28, Torgallmenningen at 13.00-14.00
More info
Victoria Johnson: Electric violin in the digital space
NMH Levin and Lindemannsalen, Monday March 28 at 19.00
Tickets Nkr 150/50
Reservation due to limited seats:
Henrik Hellstenius: "Victoria Teller"
Victoria Johnson/Alexander R. Jensenius: "Transformation"
Thomas Dahl: "No Reason Aftermath"
John Hegre: TBA
Peter Tornquist/Victoria Johnson: Improvisation
Knut Vaage: "Multimorf II"
Knut Vaage "Electra"
Victoria Johnson: El- violin
Thorolf Thuestad: Sound design
Edvin Østvik: Sound design
Alexander Refsum Jensenius: Motion capture, light
Peter Tornquist: Laptop
HC Gilje and Ellen Røed: video
Direction consultants: Jon Tombre/Henrik Hellstenius
Scenographer: Sunniva Bodvin
Light: Sjur Brinck-Johnsen
Sound: Knut Vik
Stage management: Victoria Bomann-Larsen
Produced by Victoria Johnson
More info:
Einar Røttingen performs "Point of View", March 1 in Nanjing, China, at Nanjing Arts Institute.
Opening of exhibition at Kabuso, February 26
Portrait, "Musikk i brennpunktet", NRK Radio P2, Wednesday, January 19 at 21.03 22.00
Nominated for Spellemannsprisen (Norwegian) for "Gardens of Hokkaido", in the category "Contemporary composer"