
Relieff Refleks Rite

Release date: 2024

Composed by: Knut Vaage

Performed by: Norwegian Radio Orchestra conducted by Eivind Aadland. Soloists Amalie Stalheim and Harald Aadland. 

Produced by: Vegard Landaas

Released by: LAWO Classics


 "– The recording is yet another proof that Knut Vaage can safely be regarded as one of the truly great composers of our time. When he collaborates with the highly versatile Broadcasting Orchestra, two exceptionally skilled soloists, and an internationally acclaimed Norwegian conductor, the result is bound to be both highly interesting and excellent."

 "– All of this music is of a high standard, but among the vast repertoire, Relieff stands out as something truly unique. Relieff is simply the most exciting piece I have heard from Vaage. It is an intense and profound cello concerto, which I hope will have a prominent life in the concert hall."